Thursday, July 7, 2011


So, before summer vacation began, I started brainstorming a list of things to do, crafts to make, places to go, etc., so that we didn't end up in our PJs watching SpongeBob all day. Ben was very excited about our list, and begged me repeatedly to begin our little projects before school was out! Denied! On our first day of vacation, we made Dino Eggs, which he LOVED:

You will need:
  • coffee grounds (used)
  • flour
  • salt
  • sand
  • water
  • plastic dinosaurs

How to make dinosaur eggs:
  1. Mix together all dry ingredients
  2. Slowly stir in water to create a dough, clay-like texture
  3. Mold the dough around one of the plastic dinosaurs
  4. Let the eggs dry thoroughly. This may take all day or several days depending on the weather.
We followed a recipe similar to the one above, but we cheated a little bit and baked the eggs on the lowest temperature possible (250 degrees, I think?) for about 10 minutes to make the process faster. Because what five year old really wants to wait a WHOLE DAY for dino eggs to dry and harden? Not this one!

Eva's contribution was to make cute scary dino roars.

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